KAATSU for Wellbeing
We are all striving for wellbeing – for feeling healthy in all ways, from our bodies, to our minds, to our emotions, and beyond. There are many ways to improve one’s sense of wellbeing, and there is evidence KAATSU can help.
The Growth Hormone Link
One of the main physiological effects of using KAATSU is the secretion of a large amount of human Growth Hormone (GH). There is a large body of evidence demonsrating that adults who are Growth Hormone Deficient (GHD) have impaired psychological wellbeing, including energy, motivation, emotion, memory, and cognition.
In these adults, GH replacement therapy leads to marked improvements in their quality of life as attention, perception, and cognitive capacity improve. Growth hormone is also said to have psychological effects including the stabilization of emotion and can help improve depression and dementia.
Other Benefits
KAATSU has also been shown to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and turn down the sympathetic mode (“fight or flight”) mode, helping KAATSU users become more relaxed.
You can combine KAATSU with yoga or Pilates to enhance the effects of those activities to give you greater mobility, improved agility, and greater flexibility, and better balance.
There are special KAATSU protocols for tightening your skin and for general beauty. The systemic effects of KAATSU can effect every cell in your body causing beneficial changes for you as a whole being.

Get KAATSU Products in Canada!
KAATSU products and protocols have been proven safe and effective for decades. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the KAATSU family of products are an ideal way to improve health, fitness, rehabilitation, and recovery.
KAATSU products are available for personal or professional use.