About Us
Mark Kawabe
My KAATSU journey’s not that long, but I’m definitely a believer. I was introduced to KAATSU by a chiropractor who was treating me for Achilles tendonosis and my continuing recovery from a previous Achilles tendon tear. He suggested I look into it as the systemic effects could be helpful for my recovery.
I’ve been a lifelong cyclist and martial artist (Kendo – Japanese Fencing), and the thought of recovering faster was a strong motivator. I read everything I could on KAATSU and decided I would give it a try. I got in at the pre-order stage for a new KAATSU C3 and I could barely wait until it arrived.
While I can’t attribute my Achilles recovery completely to KAATSU (I had also received Shockwave and laser treatments for it), I can say that KAATSU has definitely helped me keep my tendonosis issues under control. I was able to resume Kendo training at my usual pace and I have had no issues when cycling.
I use KAATSU for warmups and recovery after activities and, because I’m a desk-jockey for work, I use KAATSU twice daily to help keep my circulatory system healthy despite the hours I log sitting. Now that my injuries are under control I’ll be using KAATSU to help me improve my overall fitness.

What impresses me the most about KAATSU are its systemic effects and how the physiological responses it triggers have the potential to benefit such a variety of physical and potentially psychological / emotional ailments. Moreover, it has been shown to be effective in people of all ages. The story of how KAATSU transformed the 104 year old woman with dementia in Japan from bedridden and uncommuniative to talkative and active was fascinating and is a compelling reason for almost anyone to consider using KAATSU, in my opinion.
In addition, I am also a Personal Training Specialist through canfitpro. Everything I learned about muscle hypertrophy and working out has been turned upside down with KAATSU. The ability to incorporate KAATSU into training sessions will allow my clients to get the results they want with less effort. To me, this is an incredible product that more people should be using.
I had the opportunity to work with the KAATSU Global team on editing the KAATSU C3 manual. I got to know some of the people and the more I learned, the more involved I wanted to be. I took the KAATSU Specialist certification course to deepen my understanding of the KAATSU protocols and am constantly amazed how helpful such a simple technique can be. KAATSU is profoundly simple, but simply profound!
Upon learning there was no Canadian distributor I recognized this would be a fabulous opportunity for me to leverage my existing skills to be able to share the benefits of KAATSU with my fellow Canadians. My wife (also a KAATSU user) agreed and so here we are, sharing KAATSU with as many people as possible, hoping to do as much good in the world as we can with this incredible, life-changing product.
Get KAATSU Products in Canada!
KAATSU products and protocols have been proven safe and effective for decades. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the KAATSU family of products are an ideal way to improve health, fitness, rehabilitation, and recovery.
KAATSU products are available for personal or professional use.