Getting Started With KAATSU
Congratulations! You’ve got a new KAATSU unit. Now the fun begins!
Your needs are unique to you, so how you use KAATSU will depend on what your personal goals are. This page has links to some of the available resources from KAATSU Global as well as KAATSU Canada.
A few thoughts:
- KAATSU is generally safe, but there are some contraindications. These were listed on all the product pages so I hope you’ve read it already, but if not, see the list here.
- Here is our list of Frequently Asked Questions about KAATSU
- Before using KAATSU, please make sure you are well hydrated. Have 500 ml (2 cups) of water at least an hour before you start KAATSU, and if you’re exercising while using KAATSU, ensure you remain hydrated.
KAATSU B2 Hardware
If you’ve purchased a KAATSU B2, click on the video to the right to see our introduction video. I know I say it in the video a couple of times, but the wearable compressors are not to be removed from their brackets on the AirBands.
KAATSU B2 Manual
The KAATSU B2 manual is not available from KAATSU Global. However, since the protocols used with the B2 are the same as for the KAATSU C3, you will find much of the necessary information there. Click here to access the PDF of the KAATSU C3 manual.
KAATSU C4 System
If you’ve purchased a KAATSU C4, click on the video to the right to see our unboxing video.
KAATSU C4 Quick Start Guide
Click here to access the PDF.
KAATSU C4 Manual
The KAATSU C4 manual is not yet available from KAATSU Global. However, since the protocols used with the C4 are similar to the KAATSU C3, you will find much of the necessary information there. Click here to access the PDF of the KAATSU C3 manual.
How to Wear KAATSU Bands
Watch the video to the right for basic information on how to wear the KAATSU Arm Bands.
Leg bands follow the same basic usage as arm bands.
KAATSU Acclimation
It can take some time to get used to KAATSU. This video discusses the KAATSU protocol for getting your body used to KAATSU. Once you have established a baseline of comfort with KAATSU, you will be ready to start using KAATSU in more advanced ways.
Sometimes, the default AirBand tightness isn’t the best choice. Watch this video as we discuss when it might be helpful to use a custom, low pressure range.
KAATSU systems offer four different modes. We recommend Cycle mode, but this video explains them all.
KAATSU systems feature three main pressure options in Cycle mode: Low, Medium, and High pressure range. Find out how your CRT influences which pressure range is appropriate for you.
There are two factors that are important to consider when thinking about using medium or high pressure ranges in Cycle mode. This video discusses them.
The next video will talk about how to consider the proper pressure for various activities.
KAATSU Education 101
KAATSU Global has created a collection of online resources to help you understand how to use KAATSU. This course can be accessed by clicking here. The first time you log in, use the “Forgot Password” to create a new password for your account. The email address you use should be the same one you used when you purchased your KAATSU device.
How to Use KAATSU
There is no single answer to the question “How do I use KAATSU?”. The way YOU use KAATSU will be different from how other people use KAATSU depending on your goals, your age, your fitness level, your activity level etc.
With that in mind, the resources below will hopefully give you some inspiration on how to best use KAATSU for your specific situation.
KAATSU for Sedentary Users
For users who don’t have a regular, dedicated exercise routine, these ideas are for you.
KAATSU 3-Point Exercises for Arms – the basic, universal exercises developed by Dr. Sato
KAATSU 3-Point Exercises for Legs – the basic, universal exercises developed by Dr. Sato
KAATSU Advanced 3-Point Exercises for Legs – stepping it up a little
Please keep in mind – these are starting points for things you can do with KAATSU – but you don’t necessarily have to exercise when using KAATSU. Just incorporating KAATSU into your everyday activities will also provide benefits. Wearing KAATSU while you’re walking, standing and doing the dishes, sitting and working at your desk or watching television will still provide incremental physiological benefits over time.
KAATSU for Regular Exercisers
If you’re a person who already works out, then this section is for you.
There are a variety of KAATSU-specific exercise videos available online. These were done by Laurel Kuzins, a yoga, Pilates, GroupX Instructor and Functional Mobility Specialist from Santa Monica, California. These are available on YouTube – but click on this link to find them compiled on the KAATSU Global blog:
If you’re looking for other inspiration, Dr. Cory Keirn provides a variety of videos introducing KAATSU, and providing workout information. These videos are also available on the KATASU Global blog:
Troubleshooting Your KAATSU Product
As with anything, it’s possible to have an issue with your KAATSU equipment. Here are some videos to help you with common issues.
Troubleshoot AirBand Leaks
This applies to the KAATSU Master, KAATSU Nano, KAATSU Cycle 2.0, KAATSU C3, and KAATSU C4 models.
Troubleshoot Air Hose Leaks
This applies to the KAATSU Master, KAATSU Nano, KAATSU Cycle 2.0, KAATSU C3, and KAATSU C4 models.
Troubleshoot Hose Nozzle Leaks
This applies to the KAATSU C3, and KAATSU C4 models. You can use it with the Cycle 2.0 and Nano as well, but be very cautious if doing so.
How to Change AirBand O-Rings
This applies to the KAATSU Master, KAATSU Nano, KAATSU Cycle 2.0, KAATSU C3, and KAATSU C4 models.
Get KAATSU Products in Canada!
KAATSU products and protocols have been proven safe and effective for decades. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the KAATSU family of products are an ideal way to improve health, fitness, rehabilitation, and recovery.
KAATSU products are available for personal or professional use.