Celebrating 50 years of KAATSU's clinical use!Welcome / Bienvenue!

KAATSU is a Japanese health & wellness system consisting of pneumatic AirBands® that you wear on your arms or legs. A compressor automatically and safely inflates and deflates the bands, gently creating a moderate pressure around your limbs. This safe and efficient system recently celebrated its 50th anniversary of clinical use in Japan.

KAATSU is a profoundly simple device that creates simply profound effects in the body.

How Does KAATSU Work?

KAATSU Air Bands apply moderate compression in short durations on the upper arms or upper legs. The pneumatic bands are controlled by the main KAATSU unit. This temporary and rhythmic compression leads to the safe engorgement of the limbs with blood. This causes a cascade of natural beneficial physiological reactions that affect the entire body.

Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, inventor of KAATSU, is the pioneer of Blood Flow Optimization. KAATSU was tested for a decade on 12000 cardiac rehab patients at Tokyo University Hospital and was found to be safe and effective when following correct protocols. KAATSU equipment and protocols are the safest methods available, allowing KAATSU to be used virtually anytime, anywhere, and by almost anyone.

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Get KAATSU Products in Canada!

KAATSU C4 System

KAATSU products and protocols have been proven safe and effective for decades. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the KAATSU family of products are an ideal way to improve health, fitness, rehabilitation, and recovery.

KAATSU products are available for personal or professional use.

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KAATSU B1 Quad Version

Train Better with KAATSU

Improve your strength, speed, stamina, and mobility as KAATSU makes your brain think your muscles have worked harder than they actually did – at lower intensities and loads..

KAATSU enhances performance levels and improves overall fitness with less impact on the body by creating healthful metabolic stress, muscle protein synthesis, and growth hormone secretion that contributes to muscle growth and strength, speed and stamina.

Who is this for? Elite athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those trying to up their fitness level can benefit.

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Recover Faster with KAATSU

Recovery is a largely overlooked edge to improving athletic performance and long-term physical wellness. KAATSU functions as a low-impact warmup and a dynamic way to optimize your body’s recovery from activities.

KAATSU enhances blood circulation to help reduce muscle fatigue, inflammation, and soreness by helping remove metabolic waste, to help your body feel its best in a shorter period of time.

Who is this for? Everyone from athletes to weekend warriors, those looking for easy ways to improve physical wellness.

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Rehabilitate Stronger with KAATSU

The rehabilitation process can be slow and frustrating. Whether you’ve undergone surgery, are recovering from an injury, face physical limitations, or experience minor aches and pains, you want to recover as quickly as possible.

Incorporating KAATSU’s non-invasive protocols into your rehabilitation and wellness regime can enhance your body’s natural healing processes, speeding your overall rehabilitation.

Who is this for? People recovering from broken bones, sprains and strains, or who are dealing with chronic conditions. Learn More >> 

The Latest from KAATSU Canada

KAATSU Circulation 2: Hyperemia

KAATSU Circulation 2: Hyperemia

When I first encountered KAATSU, I thought it was pretty obvious that any circulatory improvements would happen while wearing the KAATSU AirBands. As soon as I took them off, everything would go back to normal. That's what I thought, and I was wrong. Introducing:...

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KAATSU Circulation 1: Mechanical

KAATSU Circulation 1: Mechanical

KAATSU systems consist of pneumatic AirBands® worn on the upper arms, or upper legs. These AirBands are pressurized and depressurized using small air compressors. When air is added to the AirBands, the bands inflate and exert pressure all around the limb, slightly...

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KAATSU and the Circulatory System

KAATSU and the Circulatory System

The circulatory system is vital for maintaining human life and optimal health. Your heart, blood vessels, and blood work together in a closed system that transports nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and other essential substances throughout the body, in addition to...

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