How KAATSU Works
Catalyst for Blood Circulation Improvement
KAATSU creates temporary additional blood circulation that leads to subtle and profound changes in homeostasis.
The vascular system increases its elasticity incrementally leading to a secretion of a number of hormones and growth factors.
The capillaries lengthen and expand to improve circulation and vascularity.

Nitric Oxide Production
KAATSU is a catalyst for the production of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), Nitric Oxide, IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor), and BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor), as well as ceramides, plasmalogens, beta endorphins, and testosterone.
Nitric Oxide allows blood vessels to constrict and relax, and regulates the inflammatory cells in the blood vessel walls.
Human Growth Hormone Production
During the pressure phase of KAATSU, lactate builds up in the muscle signaling the pituitary gland to release HGH (Human Growth Hormone).
Growth hormone is secreted in large amounts – simulating vigorous exercise and activating your body’s metabolism.
KAATSU creates a cascade of natural and beneficial physiological reactions in the body.
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KAATSU products and protocols have been proven safe and effective for decades. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the KAATSU family of products are an ideal way to improve health, fitness, rehabilitation, and recovery.
KAATSU products are available for personal or professional use.