KAATSU for Healthy Aging
Everyone wants to be able to live independently as they age. This means it’s important to be as healthy as possible. Staying physically active is important but it’s not easy to do, especially with our world of conveniences.
Moreover, keeping up with workouts or getting started with them can be challenging. Resistance training with heavy weights isn’t an option for many people. The loads on muscles, the strain on joints, and the increases in blood pressure make traditional training almost impossible.
KAATSU is a tried and true method that has been proven to help improve muscle size and strength with minimal exertion. Doing normal daily activities with KAATSU will help improve your cardiovascular system and your strength. You don’t need high intensity workouts to improve your fitness when using KAATSU.

The Beauty of KAATSU for Seniors
You’re Never “Too Old” for KAATSU
KAATSU protocols were tested for a decade at Tokyo University Hospital on over 7,000 older cardiac patients. It’s been used on people up to 104 years old! KAATSU is safe to use and can benefit people at any age!
Train Gently with KAATSU
Let’s be honest: as we age it’s not fun to push our bodies to their limits. KAATSU lets you train at lower intensities and still get good results!
No Equipment Required
Using KAATSU allows you to build muscle with no special equipment required. If you already have equipment, using KAATSU will boost your results. Otherwise, very light weights or no weights can be used to achieve gains in muscle size and strength.
Improve Circulation with No Weights
Every session of KAATSU causes your body to release biologically active metabolites that help increase the flexibility and overall health of your circulatory system. This is an effect of KAATSU use and doesn’t require you to work out at all!
The Japanese woman featured in the above video had been bedridden and uncommunicative for two months with severe dementia. She was transferred from her local hospital to Odagiri Hospital where she was treated with KAATSU. For the first month, she was treated with KAATSU while she remained in bed. Gradually, she became communicative and was able to get out of bed. Eventually, over the course of two months, she was able to do a variety of exercises and found herself wishing to live to be 200 years old.
Below is an image showing the comparison of her quadricep and hamstring before and after KAATSU using comparative computed tomography scans taken 3 months apart.
Get KAATSU Products in Canada!
KAATSU products and protocols have been proven safe and effective for decades. Suitable for all ages and abilities, the KAATSU family of products are an ideal way to improve health, fitness, rehabilitation, and recovery.
KAATSU products are available for personal or professional use.