10 Sleeps to TLOTRS!
I'm a fan of The Lord of The Rings. I grew up with it, but we never used the acronym "LOTR" when I was introduced to it in grade 4. For those wondering what "TLOTRS" is, let me say that it has nothing to do with Tolkien 😉 We're headed to Japan, also known as "The...
27 Sleeps to Japan!
Well, we won't be there in time for cherry blossom season, but we're now making plans to go to Japan! The main reason we'll be going is to attend the Sportec sports trade show being held at the beginning of August in Tokyo. Dr. Sato will be there for the show and...
Dr. Dituri Breaks the Record!
While it's not the main point of his adventure, Joseph Dituri, Ph.D., a.k.a. "Dr. DeepSea" has broken the world record for time living underwater. He posted on Instagram: I’m humbled that my curiosity for discovery has led me here. My goal from day 1 has been to...
Clot Busting KAATSU?
I learn something new about KAATSU seemingly almost every day. Someone asked me about the potential for blood clots with KAATSU. It turns out, KAATSU use seems to be fibrinolytic (i.e. non-clot forming). Who knew? In case you're wondering, fibrin is a major component...
Ignorance On Display
Happy Monday! I'm feeling a little feisty. A sharp-eyed reader let me know about an article by an emergency room doctor talking about precautions to take when using KAATSU. He started his article by saying KAATSU and BFR are the same thing. I wish there had been a...
KAATSU Canada in Rochester
Behind the scenes at KAATSU Canada is Andrea, quietly keeping the administrative side of the business running smoothly. She's also an Occupational Therapist with 30 years experience. This weekend she's taking a course in Rochester, so I'm here as well. I'm a pretty...
KAATSU Resources, Eh?
There's plenty of information about KAATSU online already. What the heck am I doing with a greenscreen? Well, I've been thinking that despite the information available, sometimes people can benefit from hearing the same information a slightly different way. So, soon...
The Demographics of KAATSU
Now that we've entered our second year of distributing KAATSU in Canada, it's been interesting to look back and see who uses KAATSU the most. Worldwide, the most common users of KAATSU have been women between the ages of 40~60. I can't say that is the case in Canada...
Helping Sprained Toes Heel
I sprained a toe during kendo on Monday night. It's been years, but ever since practicing barefoot on foam mats and getting repeated sprains, it seems my toe ligaments aren't what they used to be. What an unhappy thing to be reminded of. I buddy taped the toe and...
Cyclists: Don’t Bust Your Butt
You have to love a sport like cycling. It's so welcoming. I came across a video the other day titled "Top Ten Ways to Avoid a Sore @ss When Cycling On Your Road Bike". I kid you not. Search for it. You'll love it. 2.6 MILLION views. If you didn't already, you should...
Attn. Gym Bros: That’s NOT KAATSU
Another day, another image of a gym bro with elastic bands wrapped around their arms saying how cool it is they're using KAATSU. <sigh> I hate to disappoint, but elastic bands or repurposed cargo or luggage straps are not KAATSU. It might be BFR, but BFR is not...
Weekend Warriors & KAATSU
Spring has sprung. The weather's getting nicer, or at least nice enough for people to start doing things they haven't done in a while. In other words, it's "weekend warrior" season. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: weekend warrior - noun: a person who...