KAATSU can be added to virtually any workout to make it better. Here are a few ways KAATSU improves exercise:
- Boosts the benefit of low-intensity activities – even walking!
- Gain cardio benefits from resistance exercises
- KAATSU enables you to work out lighter so you can work out more often
- KAATSU’s systemic effects makes almost any workout better*
- Faster muscle growth
- More release of growth hormone
- Boosts muscle strength
- Increases the release nitric oxide to improve blood vessel elasticity
- Safe and effective way to boost the effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises
* If you are lifting above 50% of 1RM, KAATSU is not as effective. The intramuscular pressure exceeds the band pressure and subsequently effects of KAATSU are lost. KAATSU effects are most pronounced when lifting with light weights.
I hope this answers the question of how KAATSU can improve your workouts. If you would like more clarification, please read through the other FAQs about KAATSU, or leave a question in the comment box below.