When you see blood flow restriction training mentioned in the news it’s usually because of some association with a world-class athlete. This has led some to question whether KAATSU is only meant for athletes. I’m here to let you know that’s not the case.
Dr. Sato developed the KAATSU protocols on people aged 50+ who were cardiac rehabilitation patients at the University of Tokyo Hospital. KAATSU wasn’t designed for world-class athletes – although they definitely benefit from using it. Dr. Sato’s goal was to create a system and product that would help keep people healthy for their entire lives. KAATSU can be used by virtually anyone to improve their health. Its use is not restricted to athletic people only.
There are plenty of examples of KAATSU use in different populations. With athletes for sure, but also for those who are looking to boost their own fitness workouts, from Yoga to Pilates, to a daily walk, KAATSU helps boost the effects of your movements and triggers the release of your body’s own natural muscle growth and healing compounds. KAATSU can be used on the injured, the elderly, and the infirm to help them improve their cardiovascular health and muscle mass, with minimal movement required.
I hope this answers the question of whether KAATSU is only for athletes. If you would like more clarification, please read through the other FAQs about KAATSU, or leave a question in the comment box below.
I am wondering if Kaatsu can use it for diabetic people who has never damaged legs?
Hello Lisa,
Thank you for your inquiry! KAATSU is safe for most people, but there are some contraindications – here’s a list: https://kaatsu.ca/what-are-the-risks-of-using-kaatsu/
Having diabetes is not a contraindication to KAATSU use. However, as with other conditions, it is always wise to check with one’s doctor before beginning any new type of exercise program.
I know of at least a couple of KAATSU customers who have type II diabetes who are safely using KAATSU. While everyone’s situation is unique, having diabetes does not preclude one from using KAATSU.
I hope this helps!