I was watching a video of Simon Sinek this morning. Simon talks about business, goals, money, and people in ways that inspire. He gave a very interesting analogy this morning about the relationship between money and a business.
If a business is a car, money is the fuel that drives it. However, we didn’t get a car so we can buy gas for it. The car exists to go somewhere. Same for a business. Money is the fuel that powers the machinery so that the business can fulfill its goal.
My experience with KAATSU is what led me to become the Canadian distributor. My goal is to help people all across Canada improve their health with KAATSU. This is such a good product with so many proven benefits. As research continues I have no doubt even more benefits will come to the fore.
We’re at the start of our KAATSU journey. The destination is better health for all Canadians. It’ll be a long trip but we’re committed to every step, every day 🙂