Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023! Let’s hope it will be better than 2022.
For me, I tried to go for a bike ride on January 1st, but got rained out. Yes – rained out – in Canada. I was thinking I’d be snowed out instead 😉 I only got out for 4 km, but that’s better than 0 km, right?
That’s how I’m thinking about this coming year. Any action I take that moves me in a positive direction is better than taking no action at all. Some progress is better than no progress. Especially when it comes to important things like my health.
Apparently I’m not getting any younger. However, discovering KAATSU has definitely been something I’m grateful for. I’m feeling healthier and stronger than I would have been without KAATSU, and I want everyone to feel this way too.
We’re approaching our first anniversary at KAATSU Canada. It’s been a year of learning, of successes and failures, and above all, being able to share the KAATSU experience with many wonderful people! I’m looking forward to what we’ll be able to accomplish in the next 364 days. I hope we will be able to share KAATSU with Canadians from coast to coast to coast!
Thank you for visiting and we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!