I am often asked how often one can use KAATSU. The answer often surprises people, but it probably shouldn’t. Your frequency of use will depend on you, your unique physical condition, and your goals.
Three Times Per Day
Yes, you can use KAATSU up to three times per day. I use it in the morning, doing 6 sets on my arms and another 6 sets on my legs. A set is approximately 5 minutes (a little longer for legs), so I’m using it for an hour. What am I doing while I’m using KAATSU? Usually cooking and eating breakfast, or working at my desk.
If I’m doing resistance training I’ll use KAATSU again for another 6 sets on arms and legs. I’ll often do 2 sets on arms to warm up, do another 2~3 sets while I’m doing my exercises, then another 1~2 sets to cool down. Then I’ll repeat that with my legs. And yes, I’m doing upper and lower body exercises on the same day 🙂 You can do that with KAATSU when you’re using light resistance.
On days when I’m going to kendo I often don’t do resistance training. However, I will use KAATSU as a warmup of the cardiovascular system before training and again after practice to help reduce inflammation and to help me go to sleep.KAATSU has been shown to have positive effects on sleep. If you’re only able to use KAATSU once per day, it is recommended to use it within 1 hour of going to sleep.
You don’t have to work out three times a day to use KAATSU three times a day. Passive, non-exercise use is also beneficial. It’s not muscle-building benefit, but you’ll be creating positive effects in your microcirculation which makes up the majority of blood vessels in your body.
KAATSU’s good to use for virtually anybody, anytime, and anywhere. Try it for yourself and see!