It’s incredible what humans are capable of. Dr. Joe Dituri of the University of South Floria will be living underwater for 100 days. As of today, he’s already 14 days in, so only 86 to go!
The pressure in the underwater habitat is 1.5x normal atmospheric pressure, so one of the main things that is being researched is how Dr. Joe’s body responds to such a long time of living under pressure. In this setting he is both the researcher AND the research subject 😉 In addition to all the other things he’ll be working on, he’ll be doing a little bit of research on KAATSU.
There’s not a lot of room in the specialized environment Dr. Joe is living in, so he’ll be investigating how KAATSU may help eliminate muscle atrophy in tight living conditions. In addition he’s interested in how KAATSU might help increase Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) while using KAATSU in Cycle mode during passive use. Dr. Joe has a special interest in recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI), both from his 28-year career in the U.S. Military and from having experienced one of his own in 2021.
Thank you, Dr. Joe Dituri, for taking KAATSU along for this incredible adventure!