Coming Soon: KAATSU Canada e-News
Yes, it’s true. We’re going to start a newsletter. Maybe monthly. Maybe every two months. Maybe quarterly. We haven’t quite sorted that out yet. However, it’s coming.
We want to feature stories about Canadian KAATSU users, talk about some of the research being done with KAATSU in Canada, and provide useful information you won’t necessarily find in the blog. While it’s only been a year we’ve met some really interesting people doing great things with KAATSU that we think more people should know about.
Anyway, if you’re a customer you’re already on our mailing list. If you’re curious about KAATSU and want to learn more, please sign up for our newsletter mailing list. We won’t share your information with anyone else because we hate spam just as much (or more) than you 🙂
We hope we’ll see you on the list!
Eagerly looking forward for the e-newsletter.