Whoever you are, however you move, there’s a pretty good chance you can benefit from using KAATSU.
That’s a pretty big claim, but it’s backed up by science and experience.
There are plenty of stories of KAATSU helping people who had serious fitness challenges. From a bedridden 104 year old to an American soldier with a serious brain injury, KAATSU helped them improve their quality of life. Even with minimal movement or when undergoing passive range of motion, KAATSU can provide physical benefits.
Looking at the other end of the movement spectrum, there’s a reason many Olympians, professional athletes, and tactical athletes use KAATSU as part of their training. The ability to get high intensity resistance training results using KAATSU and low intensity resistance training methods reduces the risk of training injury and allows people to train anytime, anywhere.
The science clearly demonstrates that BFR works. Even though KAATSU is known as “The Original BFR”, it is more accurately described as being a “blood flow modification” method. Reducing the venous flow back to the heart and engorging the limbs with blood is a fundamentally different method than restricting the flow of blood into the limb by occlusion-based methods. KAATSU has been proven safe and effective over decades of use in Japan, long before it was shared with the rest of the world.
Doing exercise for rehabilitation? KAATSU will help. Doing yoga and tai chi? KAATSU will help. Preparing for your next Olympic bobsled run? KAATSU will help.
If you are doing any form of movement or exercise to improve your health and wellbeing, KAATSU will help you get better results. If you have questions, please feel free to ask. Or, just try it for yourself and see how it works for you!