I love the fact that I can use KAATSU daily. It’s compact, convenient, and easy to use. I don’t need to use it under professional supervision. KAATSU equipment and protocols have a 50-year track record of safety for virtually anybody, from professional athletes to the medically frail. It’s become a welcome staple of my daily routine.
Are You Working Out Every Day?
Honestly – no. I use KAATSU in the morning while making breakfast or while I’m working in the office. Despite the lack of working out with weights, it is challenging my cardiovascular system, giving the veins and capillaries in my arms and legs a gentle stretch, helping improve vascular elasticity and improving circulation overall. In the evening I’ll use it while doing chores, walking, or as a recovery tool after my martial arts classes to help reduce inflammation.
When I do work out, I’m using light weights or resistance bands. Using KAATSU makes light weights feel like heavy weights. It’s a great biohack that has been used for decades by bodybuilders, elite athletes, and rehabilitation professionals to grow muscle without actually causing muscle or other tissue damage. That’s one of the beautiful things about KAATSU.
KAATSU is like any other fitness device. You need to use it regularly to see the benefits. I’ve been to many homes where a treadmill’s main purpose has become a place to hang clothes. Fortunately you can incorporate KAATSU into your life in so many ways that you don’t necessarily need to set aside dedicated time to use it. Just add it into your daily routine and see what happens. Happy KAATSU-ing!